Be your best you!

Are you ready to embark on a transformational journey and change your life?

Reprogram those destructive thoughts feelings and behaviours

Loose weight change habits and the way you feel!

Virtual Gastric Band

Is a fabulous programme that uses hypnotherapy techniques to convince the client that they have had a gastric band fitted but without the fears, risks, cost and side effects of going through the actual surgical procedure.

However the facts are that people are able to put on weight after having had a gastric band procedure, whether it is done medically or by using hypnotherapy. They need to improve their relationship with food and eating before they consider undertaking the procedure.

Our Programme is a complete package which addresses these issues and more . . . . .

We have a choice of programmes with prices from £425

Improve your life

Make the changes you want too make and be your best self!

How would you like to feel?

How would you like to look?

Let your brain do the work for you!

Think Yourself Thin and Kick Start your Healthy Lifestyle!

Are you struggling to lose that excess weight and keep it off?

Are you fed up with food controlling your life?

Have you tried all the diets under the sun and none of them work?

Would you like to control what you eat and when you eat it?

Are you ready to take ACTION?

We will develop a weight management plan specifically for you whether it is Gastric band hypnotherapy, tummy shrink or maybe simply changing your eating habits using hypnotherapy. We will discuss what is right for you!


“Jane helped me to be the best me!”

—Katy F.

Find your happiness

using a new concept

Brainworking Recursive Thereapy is a science based therapy with fast acting long term self-improvement

“I have never felt better!”

—Karen W.

Just let me know what you would like to change!